Biography Project Installments
21st Installment: A Clarion Call for Reform from an ‘Uncommon Academic’
This installment features Mike Kirst speaking of his rationale and intentions as he toiled, in his eighties, over the lessons from decades of research and policymaking in a just published Report from Learning Policy Institute (LPI). It allows you to see and hear, through video and audio clips, Mike’s sense of what is most important for policymakers to know and do toward lifting local education practices to meet high standards (standards-based reform).
20th Installment: Education Reforms That Stick — ‘Kirstian’ Lessons
In this installment, we distill the lessons from Mike’s life and his life’s work thus far. We hear why Mike is such an effective reformer — from Governor Brown, policy experts, journalists, and Mike himself.
19th Installment: The Uncommon Academic as an Octogenarian
This installment covers only the first three years of Mike’s self-declared “Octogenarian Era” before the book version of this biography goes to press later in 2022.
18th Installment: Mike on the International Stage
Mike recently offered us a new peek into how his international work over the years has helped shape his fundamental beliefs about what is needed for education reforms that work and stick in this country.
17th Installment: Mike Kirst and Jerry Brown: Act II and Beyond (2011-2019)
In this installment, we explore Mike’s research, publications, and policy-making activities that illustrate his influence during the years 2011-2019, a time Mike calls his “Jerry Brown Redux” Era as he served again as the President of the California State Board of Education for Governor Jerry Brown.
16th Installment: Mike’s ‘Interregnum Years’: Part II: 2000-2010
During this time, Mike expanded his academic interests, pursuits, writing, and influence in what he calls his “K-16” years. The K-16 years foster Mike’s passion for what he calls the “colleges for forgotten Americans” when he concludes, “I’m not going to wring my hands about who doesn’t get into Stanford or Vanderbilt or something.”
15th Installment: Mike’s ‘Interregnum Years’: Part I: 1982-2000
This installment brings to life the years 1982 to 2000 for Mike, starting with him co-founding the multi-university-based think-tank, Policy Analysis for California Education, PACE, using new and rarely seen recordings and a “follow-the-publication” path approach.
14th Installment: Mike Kirst and Jerry Brown: Act 1
We focus on how these two leaders, Mike Kirst and Jerry Brown, forged their relationship over more than a half-century of policy advances, false starts, failures, and accomplishments.
13th Installment: The “Accidental Professor” Era Commences
Nine years after Mike had retired from serving as a professor at Stanford University and had transitioned to Emeritus status, Mike reflects on his nearly half-century-long professional career. From audio clips to a detailed account of his transition, you will learn about his move from Washington, DC to Stanford.
12th Installment: “The Wendy Factor” Connecting Gardner to Kirst
Listen to rarely and never-before-heard interviews with Mike and his wife Wendy as well as related research and photos. This installment feature treats how the relationship between John Gardner and Mike Kirst developed and how a combination of circumstances, including Wendy’s role, in creating reforms that stick.